燃烧垃圾对人有害Burning Rubbish Is Harmful to Peopl

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Burning Rubbish Is Harmful to People A few days ago, I went to the railway station to see my friend off. On the way I saw street leaners burning garbage. I know they were trying to get rid of rubbish in a way they thought was“Taking a shortcut.” I don’t think, however, it’s proper to clear away rubbish by such a means. Burning things does harm to people. It’s known to all that burning rubbish will give off poisonous smoke and dust which in turn pollute air. Many people contract cancer as a result of breathing the polluted air. Some of them even die of it. There are many things in rubbish that can be rotten decomposed, such as dry leaves, leftover food, etc. They can make very good fertilizer. So it’s better to collect them for cropland.
内容:燃烧垃圾的人是有害的前几天,我去火车站,看看我的朋友了。在路上,我看到街头leaners燃烧垃圾。我知道他们试图让垃圾在某种程度上消除他们认为是“抄捷径。”我不认为,但是,它的适当清理这种垃圾的一种手段。燃烧的东西确实害人。这是众所周知,垃圾焚烧会释放出有毒的烟雾和灰尘,从而污染空气。许多人由于呼吸的污染空气而患上癌症。有的甚至死于它。垃圾中有很多事情可以腐烂分解,如枯叶,剩余的食物,等他们可以很好的肥料。因此,最好的耕地,收集他们。 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦