参考书泛滥成灾The Harmful Effect of Reference Books

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Nowadays reference books have become a problem of great concern for both teachers and students. For example, there are more than ten kinds of reference books available to users of College English. A smarter use of these books is certainly beneficial, but the misuse and overuse of them may cause a tot of problems.
To begin with, they make the students tess attentive in class. Armed with reference books, many students may think that they know what the teacher is going to talk about. So they may not listen to the teacher in class at all. And they may not have the chance to listen or speak English. As a result, they will neither speak nor understand when they are spoken to. Secondly, some reference books are so filled with mistakes that students may be confused as to the correct term or answer. Third[y, by merely referring to the reference books, the students may be deprived of the ability to work out the solution to the problems themselves. Finally, faced with so many kinds of reference books, the students may feel at a loss which to buy.
I, therefore, suggest that students neither overuse nor misuse the reference books. I also suggest that publishing houses make concerted efforts to publish fewer but better reference books. If both the students and the publishing houses adopt the right attitude toward reference books, they will both benefit a lot from them.
该参考书籍(参考书泛滥成灾)1有害影响。参考书泛滥已成为师生共同关注的问题,2。参考书泛滥所产生的问题; 3。我的建议。后以 “大学英语“竟有十多种参考书为例支持主题句,并以由此可产生的问题(使用不当和过度使用)引起下文;第二段列举问题所在,如:可使学 生上课注意力不集中,有些参考书误导学生,学生过分依靠参考书等,第三段写“我”,建议学生要适度使用,出版社要谨慎出版,二两者都 要态度端正。[范文]现在的参考书,已成为一个问题为教师和学生的极大关注。例如,有超过10参考书提供给大学英语使用者种。阿聪明这些 书籍的使用肯定是有益的,但他们滥用和过度使用可能导致问题的托特。首先,他们让学生在课堂上注意苔丝。与参考书武装,许多学生可能 认为他们知道老师是要谈谈。因此,他们可能不听老师在课堂上的。他们可能没有机会听或讲英语。因此,他们既不会说话,也不知道当他们 交谈。其次,一些参考书是如此充满学生可能有点以正确的术语或答案错误。第三[y,由单纯指参考书籍,学生可能被剥夺了工作的能力解决 自己的问题。最后,参考书籍,面对这么多,学生们会感到无所适从的购买。因此,我建议学生过度使用,也没有滥用参考书。我建议出版社 共同努力,出版少而精的参考书。如果这两个学生和出版公司通过对参考书正确的态度,他们都将从中受益很多。 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦