The Three Brother Goats

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There were three goat brothers. One day, they found that there was no grass for them to eat! They decided to go to a new hill to find grass. However, they had to walk across a bridge. There was a monster living under the bridge! Maybe the monster would eat them when they walked over the bridge. The three smart goats had a good idea... 剧中角色:Narrator, the oldest goat, the middle goat, the youngest goat, the monster  Narrator:  Once upon a time, there were three goat brothers. Their last name was Gruff.
The oldest goat was tall and fat, the youngest goat was very small, and the
middle goat was very skinny. The youngest goat:  I am hungry ! Where is all the grass?The middle goat: We ate it all. The oldest goat: Look over there, I see a hillside with a lot of grass. Let’s go over there and
eat. Narrator:  The three brothers began to walk towards the bridge. Suddenly, the middle goat
remembered the monster under the bridge.The middle goat: Wait! Wait! I heard that a big monster lives under the bridge. He eats up
every one who tries to cross it! He will eat us too! The youngest goat: Oh, no! I didn’t know that such a monster lived there. I’m too scared to
cross the bridge now. Narrator: The two younger goats began to shake and cry. The middle goat: What can we do? There is no grass to eat here. The youngest goat: But how can I cross over the bridge safely? You are taller and stronger
than me. You may escape, but I might be eaten. The middle goat: Baa! Yes, you are taller and stronger than me. You can escape from him,
but I might be eaten! The oldest goat: Now brothers, let’s think. We don’t have to be scared. Narrator: The three goats thought and thought…The oldest goat: Ah! I have an idea! Let’s cross over the bridge one at a time. Each of you
will tell the monster to eat the fatter and taller goat coming after you. The youngest goat: Right! Then the monster will let me past to wait for you. Then
you will kill him, right?The middle goat: That's right! Then I will kill him. I hope this works! The next day, the youngest goat walked slowly onto the bridge. The monster: Who's that walking on my bridge? The youngest goat: Oh, I am the tinniest goat gruff I am very small. Narrator: The youngest goat's voice sounded very quiet, because he was very scared. The monster: No, you're not! Nobody can pass over my bridge I will gobble you up. The youngest goat: Oh, please don't eat me! I'm too little. The monster: Hmm. He is fatter and taller than you! Well, you may pass then. Narrator: So, the youngest goat ran across the bridge. A little later, the middle goat came to cross the bridge .He took a deep breath, then walked on to the bridge.The monster: Who's that walking over my bridge? The middle goat: I am the middle goat Gruff. I'm very skinny. The monster: No, you're not. You are taller and fatter then your smaller brother. I will gobble
you up. The middle goat: Oh, no! Please don't eat me. Look at me! I'm very skinny. Wait a little
longer until my older brother comes. He is much fatter and taller than me.
If you eat me, now, you will not taste better food later.The monster: Hmm, he is fatter and taller than you? Very well, then, you can go, too. Narrator: So ,the middle goat ran across the bridge, too. The oldest goat arrived at the
bridge .He was so heavy, that the bridge creaked.The monster: Ahh, he is much taller and fatter than the other brothers. The other goats told
me the truth. Who's that walking over my bridge? The oldest goat: It's me! I am the oldest goat Gruff.Narrator: The oldest goat had a loud voice. The monster: I've been waiting for you. You will be my dinner. Ha! Ha! The oldest goat: Go ahead and try! But I warn you: I have two spears so I can poke in your
eyes and I can crush you!
Narrator: However, the monster was not afraid. He walked up to the side of the bridge. The
oldest goat poked in the monster `s eyes with his horns. The oldest goat also hit him hard with his strong shoulders. Then the monster fell into the river and drowned. The oldest goat: Now, everyone can cross over the bridge without fear. I told you two not to
be afraid. The middle goat: Yes, you were right!The middle goat and the youngest goat: Let's cheer for our brother! Hooray! Hooray! The oldest goat: Now we can go and eat that delicious grass! Narrator: And the three goats happily went up the hillside to eat the delicious grass.. 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦