我最喜欢的颜色 The Color I Love Best

英语作文 小学英语作文 402字 1978次阅读 收藏

Among all colors, I love white the best. White is the color of snow and cloud. Snow in winter is clean, pure and holy. When it melts, it moistens everything. White clouds are hanging on the blue sky. We can dream a lot on such a nice day. White is a color of purity and calmness. It can make any picture in various colors become a harmony one. This is white, a selfless color.

在所有的颜色中,我最喜欢白色。雪和白云都是白色的。冬天的雪是干净、纯洁和神圣的。她融化的时候,滋润了万物; 白云高高悬挂于蓝天之上。在如此好的天气下,我们会有很多的梦想。 白色是一种纯洁和冷静的颜色。她能使任何颜色的画变得和谐。这就是白色,一种无私的颜色!
