How To Treat Disabled People如何对待残疾人

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Have you been asked for money by some beggars who have disabilities while you’re enjoying shopping? Do you have any pity for that kind of people or just feel afraid? For whatever reasons, the number of disabled beggars bumming along the street is rapidly increased.Why there are so many disabled people begging in the street? The reasons are so various that we don’t need to understand. But at least, we know that they do not lead an easy life. So we should help them in some ways.The treatment for disabled people should go like this: First, accept them. Don’t be afraid of looking at the terrible shape of the disabled. Try to treat them equally. Because they are a part of the society, we can’t discard them. The second is to help them as much as we could. If you can be a volunteer and do some work for the disabled people, that would be very nice. That does good not only to the disabled people but also to yourself. Because you will feel good after your kind action.So give an air of warmth to disabled people, and the world would be much better.
您的钱被一些乞丐,问有残疾谁当您在 享受购物吗?你有什么该样的人同情或只是觉得害怕?不论出于什么原因,其数量 沿街流浪迅速increased.Why有很多在街头乞讨的残疾人残疾乞丐? 其原因是如此不同,我们并不需要了解。但至少,我们知道他们不会导致安逸的生活。因此,我们 应帮助一些残疾人士ways.The对待他们应该是这样的:第一,接受他们。不要害怕 看残疾人士的可怕的形状。尝试一视同仁。因为他们是社会的一部分,我们不能 抛弃他们。二是帮助他们尽可能我们可以。如果你能成为志愿者为残疾人做一些工作 人,这将是非常好的。这并不好,不仅为残疾人士人民,而且也给自己。因为你会觉得 良好的售后服务给予的盛情action.So一个温暖的空气有残疾的人,世界会更好。 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦