秘密账户 Secret Accounts

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With the increasing number of trust issue in nowadays, people seems are not trusty as before. In the spirit of discretion, every one become a cautious person, everything they do, they are not only discreet but careful as well. At the same time, this behavior somehow affects couples, now the conjugal secret accounts have become a hot topic, and different people have different opinions on this problem.


People who are against with the conjugal secret accounts hold the opinion that husband and wife should be honest to each other. Once female and male are get marry, they are supposed to open heart to each other, share everything together, including the money they earned.,and hide no secret from each other. Hence, a conjugal secret account is not acceptable. This is a sign of disloyalty.


While some people hold the opposite views that couples should save a private room for each other. Getting married doesn’t mean that you have to expose everything to your soul mate; sometimes a little secret will makes relationship delightful. A conjugal secret account is not a big deal since everyone has the desire to buy something that their husband or wife doesn’t agree to, as long as they earn the money for the secret accounts by themselves.


Weighing up these two arguments into account, I prefer the latter one. You don’t have to show everything to your soul mate and a conjugal secret accounts are acceptable. Cheating is disloyalty, but not a secret account.

权衡这两种观点,我支持后者。你不用什么都让你的灵魂伴侣知道,夫妻秘密账户是可接受的。出轨才是不忠,秘密账户不是。 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦