房奴,应不应该? Should we be Mortgage Slave?

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With the increasing of social competition, there are more and more people becoming mortgage slave. As the housing price is too high to afford and everyone wants a house to be their home, so they try every means to buy a house. This is the reason for the appearing of mortgage slave. They choose to pay by installment to afford a house. Some people are happy to have such a good way to solve the housing problem. But some are not agree with this way for some reason. In my opinion, I don’t think to be the mortgage slave is a good choice.
随着社会竞争的日益加剧,越来越多的人成为房奴。由于房价太高,很多人无法买得起房,而想要一个房子作为家则是每个人的想法,所以他们会想尽办法买房。这就是出现房奴的原因。他们会选择分期付款来买房子。有些人很高兴有这样的一个好办法来解决住房问题。但有些人却有他的理由而不同意这一做法。在我看来,我不认为 “房奴”是一个很好的选择。
Firstly, mortgage slave will reduce the quality of people’s life. Ignoring the housing debt, the main purpose for people to work is earning money to enjoy life. However, having the debt, they are afraid of doing everything with money, such as, they don’t dare to change job casually, they don’t dare to join the entertainment cost money, they afraid goods become expensive and so on. They will use money carefully, otherwise, the money they earn would not afford for their expense, because they have to afford the housing debt every month.
首先,房奴会降低人们的生活质量。不考虑房债,人们工作的主要目的是赚钱来享受生活。然而,有了房债,需要到钱的事情他们都不敢做 ,比如,不敢轻易换工作,不敢参与需要花钱的娱乐,他们害怕商品价格上涨等等。他们会很小心地用钱,否则,他们挣的钱也不够他们的消费,因为他们每个月还得付房贷。
Secondly, being the mortgage slave will increase the pressure of human being. As we all know that living in the modern society is full of stress, but being a mortgage slave will increase their pressure. It not hard to imagine how their life would be. Nobody can live happily under great stress. It is bad for their health.
In general, according to the reasons I mentioned above, I really don’t really agree with being mortgage slave. If living so unhappy, what is the purpose to own a house?