植树节的历史 The History of Tree-planting Day

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植树节的历史 The History of Tree-planting Day

Afforestation can not only make our homes green and beautiful, but also can play a role in expanding forest resources, preventing soil erosion, protect the farmland, climate regulation, the promotion of economic development. It is a contemporary grand project to benefit the future generations. While "Arbor Day" is the day that some countries in the form of law to promote the benefit of forest, and mobilize the masses to participate in afforestation. According to the length of time, people have Tree-planting Day, week or month to plant trees, and all of them call Tree-planting Day. Through this activity, to stimulate people's love for forest and afforestation, to enhance the awareness of forest function to promot afforestation, reaching the aim of loving forest, protecting forest, expanding forest resources and improving the ecological environment. It is a festival to mobilize the national to plan trees. China's Arbor Day begins to commemorate the death of Mr. Sun Zhongshan, who is the earliest people aware the importance of forest and advocate afforestation in the China modern history. China set the rule that March 12th is Arbor Day, to encourage people of all nationalities for afforestation, greening of the motherland, improving the environment, benefit the future generations. Each Arbor Day has different themes, 2013 Arbor Day’s theme is: carry out in a deep-going way for afforestation, vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization.Each year the school and some companies will organize people to plant trees.

植树造林不仅可以绿化和美化家园,同时还可以起到扩大山林资源、防止水土流失 、保护农田、调节气候、促进经济发展等作用,是一项利于当代、造福子孙的宏伟工程。而“植树节”则是一些国家以法律形式规定的以宣传森林效益,并动员群众参加造林为活动内容的节日。按时间长短可分为植树日、植树周或植树月,总称植树节。通过这种活动,激发人们爱林、造林的感情,提高人们对森林功用的认识,促进国土绿化,达到爱林护林和扩大森林资源、改善生态环境的目的。是为了动员全民植树而规定的节日。我国的植树节开始时是为纪念孙中山先生逝世,孙中山是中国近代史上最早意识到森林的重要意义和倡导植树造林的人。我国规定以3月12日为中国的植树节,以鼓励全国各族人民植树造林,绿化祖国,改善环境,造福子孙后代。每一年的植树节都有不同的主题,2013年的植树节主题是:深入开展造林绿化,大力推进生态文明建设。每年各学校单位都会组织去植树。
