清除街道污染 Getting Rid of Street Pollution

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Currently, when you are walking in the street, you will find some strange names of shops and restaurants on both sides. These names suggest a blind worship for foreign culture or that sound a feudal flavor. Names are by no means just a sign. Names convey historical and cultural information that reflects the trend of the times and helps shape people’s ideas and thoughts as well as ways of thinking.


In recent years, a number of shops and restaurants have given themselves names that sound like foreign or use words with a strong feudal connotation. This reflects the trend that under the influence of materialism, some people worship a lifestyle of Western countries and the social status of past emperors and their luxurious life. In the names of these shops and restaurants, there is no hint of national pride and the fact that many shop owners use names such as “Dafuhao”(Big Rich), “Diwang”(Emperor), “Erfang”(Concubine) shows that there is no concept of a society in which people are equal. They crave wealth and power while many ordinary people are struggling to earn a decent living by working hard.

近年,一些上商店和餐馆喜欢给店铺起听上去像外国的名字,或者使用带有浓厚的封建意味的词。这反映了一种趋势,即在物质主义影响下,有的人崇尚西方国家的生活方式以及过去皇帝们的社会地位和奢华生活。在这些商店和餐馆的名字当中并没有一丝的民族自豪感,事实是很多店主使用诸如“大富豪” 这样的名字。“帝王”(皇帝),“二房”(妾)表明在人人平等的社会没有观念可言。他们渴望财富和权力而很多普通老百姓都在努力通过辛勤的劳动过上体面的生活。

These names, no doubt, have a very bad influence on our young people. They instill in their young minds a similar mentality: a blind respect for things Western and a blind worship for rotten feudal ideology. Personally, to remove these names is an educational project. It is a good measure to take to rid our streets of such visual pollution. I should say, however, that abolishing the names only is not enough. We need a long-term education to establish a patriotic attitude and a genuine international vision in our people.

