高尚的教师值得尊敬Noble Teachers Deserve Respect

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Since ancient times, teaching has been a noble profession. And teachers are often compared to “gardeners” and “candles” which burn themselves but light the way for others. This indicates that people have a special respect foe teachers and the job of teaching. In survey the history of Chinese education, we can see teachers are not only holding the responsibility of transmitting knowledge but also setting good models for students in morals, ethics and patriotism. And many brilliant examples are throughout history.


Today, it is encouraging that there are a large number of education workers who are willing to dedicate themselves to the educational business. They are strict in teaching, have a wide range of knowledge and work with tireless enthusiasm. They work silently, seeking no personal fame. All these demonstrate the noble and pure personality of teachers.


However, it is also regret that today some teachers are doing things not in line with their noble image. They, for example, ask for high fees from their students with various excuses. Some even peddle products which have nothing to do with teaching to students. Though such teachers are very small in number, the harm they cause is serious. They might bring about bad effects on students and ruin the image of teachers as a whole.


As far as I am concerned, I wish all teachers would treasure their glory and respect bestowed by society and regulate their behavior. Leave virtue and kindness to your students instead of greed for money because only this can bring happiness to them. This is my own experience.

