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It is also true that, in the Southern states, men lived on the labor of slaves, but slave labor did not make them fortunes; what made slavery in the South all the more inexcusable was that,in addition to being morally wicked, it didn't even pay off handsomely.

  Thanks to the natural resources of the country, every American, until quite recently, could reasonably look forward to making more money than his father, so that, if he made less,the fault must be his; he was either lazy or inefficient. What an American values, therefore, is not the possession of money as such, but his power to make it as a proof of his manhood;once he has proved himself by making it, it has served its function and can be lost or given away. In no society in history have rich men given away so large a part of their fortunes. A poor American feels guilty at being poor, but less guilty than an American rentier who has inherited wealth but is doing nothing to increase it; what can the latter do but take to drink and psychoanalysis?


在美国,财富还收购了盗窃,但真正被剥削的受害者不是一个人,但贫穷和她的母亲地球无情地掠夺了谁的生物。诚然,印第安人被没收,但是这并不像它一直在欧洲,一个theconqueror matter抓住征服财富,为印度从来没有意识到他的国家potential财富。这也是事实,在南方各州,人们生活在奴隶劳动,但奴隶劳工并没有使他们的财富,是什么让南方的奴隶制度,更不可原谅的是,除了是道德上邪恶的,它didn '吨甚至回报丰厚。

