An Outing一次远足

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The east side of the sky glowed with red hue of the rising sun.The leaves of trees were stirring slightly in a gentle breeze.
It was Sunday,on the 10th of September.We set out early,carry-ing bottles of beer,bags of cakes and boiled eggs.It was only 20 minutes'drive to go to the East Lake Park.
The park,a famous scenic spot of Wuhan,seemed to present more charms than ever before.Flowers were in full bloom.The air was full of fragrance.Birds were singing in the leaves.
We took a stroll along shady paths,went awimming in the lake.Afterwards,we all sat down on a meadow and had our picnic.We drand and ate. After the picnic,we held an English reitation.Then we sang and danced,enjoying to our heart's content.
It was in the late afternoon that we left the park with freshness in our heart and a beautiful memory in our mind.
