about storm关于沙尘暴

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THE city's meteorological observatory issued a white warning sign Thursday indicating the city's weather could be influenced by a tropical sand storm in the next two days. The meteorological observatory in Beijing said the storm could hit the city. "Coastal areas in eastern Beijing could have winds as strong as force 8," the observatory said. The air quality will become rather terrible with the sand storm. The wind and sand will cause the city pulluted. Terrible sand storm!
非法该市气象台发出警告标志的白色星期四 表明这个城市的天气可能会影响在未来两天热带沙尘暴。气象 北京气象台说,热带风暴可能袭击的城市。 “北京东部海岸地区可以强劲风 力8,“天文台说。空气质量将是非常的可怕的沙尘暴。风和沙会引起 城市pulluted。可怕的沙尘暴! 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦