我对私人家教的看法My View On Private Tutoring

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My View On Private Tutoring(家教之我见)1.家教与日俱增;2.家教的优缺点;3.我的看法。[写作导航]第一段可先围绕提纲开 始,然后引出家教也有优缺点;第二段主要围绕优点来写,可从对家长、对从事家教的大学生以及对孩子本人等几方面来谈;第三段谈缺点, 可从孩子的娱乐、从事家教的大学生的学习等方面来谈;第四段谈我的看法,弊大于利。[范文]
Nowadays, an increasing numbers of parents ask college students to act as private tutors to their kids. Like everything else, private tutoring also has advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, the advantages can be listed as follows. First, private tutoring is helpful to the parents. Many parents are so busy with their work that they have no time to help their children with their lessons. Besides, private tutoring is good for the tutors themselves. They can make some money while providing a service for others. Most important of all, private tutoring is beneficial for kids. Since the parents can't help when the kids have problems, private tutoring seems to be a wise choice.
However, private tutoring also has disadvantages. To begin with, it takes so much of the kid's time that they can hardly find time for rest and amusement, which is harmful to their health. To make matters worse, some tutors have too many kids to teach so that they neglect their studies at school. Worst of ail, some tutors only offer tips for test taking rather than teaching kids what is really needed.
According to the above analysis, it is clear that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Therefore, it is proposed that great emphasis be laid on the stimulation of the kid' s learning and the cultivation of their potential Moreover, kids should be given more time to play so that a new and healthy generation will emerge.
我在家教查看(家教之我见)1。家教与日俱增; 2。家教的优缺点; 3。我的看法。[写作导航]第一段可先围绕提纲开始,然后引出家教 也有优缺点;第二段主要围绕优点来写,可从对家长,对从事家教的大学生以及对孩子本人等几方面来谈;第三段谈缺点,可从孩子的娱乐,从 事家教的大学生的学习等方面来谈;第四段谈我的看法,弊大于利。[范文]如今,越来越多的家长要求的大学生,作为他们的孩子的私人教师。 像其他事物一样,家教也有优点和缺点。一般来说,好处可以列出如下。首先,私人辅导是有益的父母。许多父母忙于他们的工作,他们没有 时间来帮助他们的教训自己的孩子。此外,良好的家教是自己的导师。他们可以赚一些钱,并提供一个为他人服务。最重要的是,私人辅导孩 子是有利的。由于父母无法帮助孩子们时有问题,私人辅导似乎是一个明智的选择。然而,私人家教也有缺点。首先,它需要这样的孩子的时 间多,他们很难找到休息和娱乐,不利于他们的健康时间。更糟的是,有些导师有太多的孩子教,使他们忽略了学校的学业。最差的苦恼,有 些导师只提供教学,而不是考虑什么是孩子真正需要的测试技巧。根据以上分析,很明显的缺点超过优点。因此,建议应重视对孩子氏学习和 他们的潜力此外,孩子们应该有更多的时间培养发挥,使一个新的,健康的一代将产生刺激基础。#p#分页标题#e# 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦