Family and Career家庭的事业

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The starting is the same, so you just have to write it out by yourself*Family.What kind of thoughts cross your mind when I said this word? Career. And again, what cross your mind? Now why don‘t you relate this two topics together? true enough, you might be thinking " a diligent father working all day and earning a mere income of 100 dollars. He fails to be family orientated." What i would like to express is that no matter how busy you are or how important your job to you is, like as if you‘ll be losing your job the next day, please don‘t forget to spend some time with your family too! Always remember "family comes first‘!
内容:起点是一样的,只是你还需要自己将它写出来*一种思想Family。当我说出这个词时,浮现在你脑海中的是什么样的想法?职业生涯。再次,你心中是什么?现在,你为什么不与此两项议题在一起呢?没错,你可能会想“勤奋工作的父亲整天的收入仅100美元的收入。他不能得到家庭为主导。”我想表达的是,不管你有多忙,或者是你的工作有多么重要,以你的是,就好像如果你将失去工作的第二天,请不要忘记你的家人共度一段时间太!一定要记住“家庭至上'! 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦