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Global Shortage of Fresh Water

People usually think that fresh water is inexhaustible. They hold this opinion because they can see water everywhere, rainwater, water in the river or the lake and they can get water as soon as they turn on the tap. Acturally, there is a serious shortage of fresh water. Fresh water is not only needed in people's daily life but also in industry and agriculture. Fresh water shortage is made more serious by pollution and population expansion, to say nothing of the fact that the Yellow River is drying up. Many ways can contribute to solving this serious problem, but the following ones may be most effective. First, everyone should be advised to economize fresh water. Besides, measures should be taken to prevent water pollution. Finally,we should exploit fresh water resources by making use of underground water, desahing seawater, and even purifying water already polluted. These are not the best and the only three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take strong actions to protect fresh water resources.
内容:鲜Water1的短缺。人们认为淡水是取之不尽的(提示:雨水,井水,河水等)2。实际上淡水是非常紧缺的(提示:人口增加,工业用水,增加污染等) 3。我们应该怎么办,人们通常认为,食水是取之不尽,用之不竭。他们认为这个意见,因为他们可以看到到处都是水,雨水,河流或湖泊的水,他们可以在最短的水,当他们在水龙头。 Acturally,有一个淡水严重不足。淡水是不仅需要在人们的日常生活,而且在工业和农业。淡水短缺问题变得更加污染和人口膨胀严重,更不要说一个事实,即黄河没有枯竭。很多方法可以有助于解决这一严重问题,但下面的人可能是最有效的。首先,每个人都应该尽量节约淡水。此外,应采取措施,以防止水质污染。最后,我们应该利用利用地下水利用的淡水资源,desahing海水,甚至已经污染的净化水。这些都不是最好,只有3个,我们可以采取的措施。但是,应当指出,我们应采取强有力的行动,以保护淡水资源。

