该不该禁止在电视节目中使用方言? Should the Use of Dialect in TV Programs Be Banned?

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Very often we an see a lot of television series presented in some local dialects, such as the ones in the Northeast or the Northwest. These programs seem to be more and more popular with the audience who feel at home when enjoying the shows. So far as I am concerned, the TV programs presented in some local dialects should not be banned for the following reasons.


First of all, the TV programs should be a perfect show of the diverse culture of the country in which the local dialects are of the important part. The different local dialects are actually the carrier of the language sources. In addition, they are also the intangible cultural inheritance. What's more, the broadcasting of the TV programs in local dialects is an effective way to preserve the national culture, which is conducive to the building of a more diversified cultural landscape. Lastly, the use of local dialects is a best means to hold people together. It is known that a certain group of people can be identified by the dialects they speak.


In conclusion, it is not necessary to ban the TV programs presented in local dialects, which will be helpful to foster an even more rich national culture.

