A Talkative Person一个多话的人

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He is so talkative that whenever he chooses you as his listener,whether you are willing or not,you cannot escape from his without helplessly giving up two or three hours of your precious time.He is a frequent visitor to others's house.Once he has settled himself comfortably in your sofa,he will remain there rooted,talking on and on except a few intervals of filling his tea cup and lighting cigarettes.He is extremely insensitive to others' attitudes,while his victims keep silent,desperately giving him hints to stop,he takes their silence as admiration of his eloquence.He is really a great talker and able to seize on any chance to begin his constant flow of words whenever he sees you.
People are fed up with him,afraid of him,and yet unable to get rid of him.He is a terror.Whenever they catch sight of his short figure,they will immediately turn back and flee in panic.
