我对现代生活的看法My View on Modern Life

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My View on Modern Life(现代生活之我见)1.有人认为现代生活好;2.有人认为过去生活好;3.我的看法。[写作导航]一些人认为 ,现在的生活比过去要好,然后举例说明,可从食品、电器、医药等方面论述;另一些人则持否定态度,认为现代生活节奏快、压力大,工业 的发展带来了污染,技术革新带来了失业;我认为无论何时,只要乐观,就能应对各种问题。[范文]
Some people think that life at present is better than life in the past. They think that now we are living a life that our ancestors could never have dreamed of. For instance, convenient foods from markets have simplified cooking. Electric appliances at home have taken the drudgery out of housework. New inventions have helped to make our work more sufficient and less tiring. Development in medicine has helped to make people live longer and healthier. It seems as if we were living in paradise.
Other people, however, believe that life in the past is better than life at present. They argue that in this highly competitive society people have to work even harder and learn much more in order to adapt to the fast pace of modern life. Moreover, people have to be sophisticated to deal with the many complicated matters in life and work. Development in industry has caused lots of pollution. New inventions have put many people out of work.
In my opinion, life always has its problems. There are problems now which people didn't have to face in the past, and there were also problems in the past which people don't have to confront today. Life is full of happiness if we should be optimistic. We should smile through everything whether it is happiness or misery. This is the right attitude towards life.
我对现代生命观(现代生活之我见)1。有人认为现代生活好; 2。有人认为过去生活好; 3。我的看法。[写作导航]一些人认为,现在的 生活比过去要好,然后举例说明,可从食品,电器,医药等方面论述;另一些人则持否定态度,认为现代生活节奏快,压力大,工业的发展带来 了污染,技术革新带来了失业,我认为无论何时,只要乐观,就能应对各种问题。[范文]有些人认为现在的生活比过去的生活。他们认为,现 在我们的生活,我们的祖先都不敢想的生活。例如,从市场的方便食品已经简化做饭。在家电采取了单调乏味的家务劳动了。新的发明,有助 于使我们的工作更加充分,减少疲劳。中医学的发展有助于使人们更长寿,更健康。看来,如果我们生活在天堂。其他人,但我相信,在过去 的生活比现在更好的生活。他们认为,在这个高度竞争的社会,人民的工作和学习更加努力,以更适应现代生活的快节奏。此外,人们必须处 理复杂的,在生活的许多复杂的问题和工作。在工业发展造成大量污染。新发明的工作提出了许多人。在我看来,生命总是有它的问题。现在 出现了一些问题,人们不必面对过去,也有过去的问题,人们不必面对今天。生活是充满欢乐的,如果我们应该以乐观态度。我们应该通过一 切微笑无论是快乐还是痛苦。这是对生命权的态度。 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦