一封慰问信 A Letter of Sympathy

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A Letter of Sympathy

A Letter of Sympathy——to the Parents of the Columbia AstronautsDear parents of the Columbia astronauts. I am a student from X X Middle School in China. My name is Li Ming. I was very sorrowful when I learned from TV that SpShuttle Columbia broke up during re-entry and seven astronauts all lost their lives. You have lost your lovely sons arid daughters. You must be very grieved. However, you must also be proud of your children, because they have done great contributions to space projects. So please restrain your sorrow. Although this time they thiled, we could I get some experience from their failure. We will continue developing space projects, because we can explore the space through those projects and search for more information about sion that they haven' t done. Yours Sincerely’ Li Ming
内容:慰问信 - 对哥伦比亚AstronautsDear哥伦比亚宇航员的家长的家长。我是从X X中学的中国学生。我叫李明。我很伤心,当我从电视哥伦比亚的SpShuttle期间发生的转口港和学习的所有7名宇航员丧生。你已经失去了你可爱的儿子干旱女儿。你必须非常悲痛。不过,你也必须对你的孩子感到自豪,因为他们这样做的空间项目的巨大贡献。因此,请克制您的痛苦。虽然这一次他们thiled,我们可以得到一些我从他们失败的经验。我们将继续发展空间的项目,因为我们可以通过这些研究项目和更多的城邑的信息,他们的避难所'吨做的搜索空间。此致'黎咪嗯一封慰问信 - 致哥伦比亚号宇航员的父母们亲爱的哥伦比亚号宇航员的父母们:我是一个来自中国二十中学的学生,我叫李明。我从电视上得知哥伦比亚号宇宙飞船在返航过程中解体,七位宇航员全部遇难,我感到非常悲痛。你们失去了可爱的儿子和女儿,一定非常悲痛。然而,你们一定也为你们的孩子感到骄傲,因为他们已经为航天事业作出了巨大贡献。所以请节哀。尽管这次他们失败了,但我们可以从他们的失败中汲取经验。我们会继续发展航空事业,因为通过它们我们能够探索外层空间,搜索有关这个世界的更多信息。我们会继续完成他们未完成的任务。你诚挚的朋友李明

