
初一作文 3814字 1361次阅读 收藏
Notes for Unit 1  
1. the master of… …的主人  
with sb. 和某人交朋友  
e.g. I want to make friends with my classmates. 我想跟同学交朋友。  
3. look after sb. 照顾某人  
e.g. His Mom is looking after him. 他的妈妈在照顾他。  
4. like to do sth/. like doing sth.   
love to do sth./ love doing sth. 喜欢做某事  
enjoy doing sth.  
dislike to do sth./ dislike doing sth.  不喜欢/讨厌做某事  
hate to do sth./ hate doing sth.  
5. was born in sp. 出生于某地  
was born on someday 出生于某日  
6. after school 放学  after class 下课  after work 下班  
e.g. Mom cooks supper for us after work. 妈妈下班后为我们做晚饭。  
7. come from sp. 来自于某地 be from sp.  
e.g. He comes from England.  他来自于英国。  
 = He’s from England.  
8. listen to music 听音乐 (注:不可加the在music 前)  
listen to sth./ sb. 听… (强调听的动作)  
hear… 听到… (强调听到的结果)  
e.g. Listen! Can you hear the music? 听!你能听到音乐声吗?  
9. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 let后跟人称代词的宾格,之后的动词用原形  
e.g. Let him help you do the housework. 让他帮你做家务。  
10. work hard 努力工作/学习  
e.g. He always works hard. 他总是努力工作。  
11. be good/ clever at (doing) sth.= do well in sth. = do sth. well 擅长做某事  
be weak in (doing) sth. 不擅长做某事  
e.g. He does well in badminton. 他擅长打羽毛球。  
= He’s good/ clever at playing badminton.  
= He plays badminton well.  
12. wear… 穿着…,戴着…(表示状态)  
put on… 穿上…, 戴上…(表示动作)  
e.g. Put on your coat, it’s cold outside. 穿上外套,外面很冷。  
  I like wearing jeans. 我喜欢穿着牛仔裤。  
13. at lunchtime 在午饭时间  
e.g. We can have a break at lunchtime. 我们可以在午饭时间休息一下。  
14. take the dog for a walk = walk the dog 遛狗  
take sb. (out) for a walk 带某人散步  
go out for a walk 出去散步  
e.g. I want to go out for a walk. Can you take me (out) for a walk? 我想去散步,你能带我去散步吗?  
15. walk home 步行回家  
walk to sp. 步行去某地 e.g. I walk to school every day.  
注:home, there, here之前不可以用to  
e.g. go/ walk home,  go/ walk there,  come/ walk here  
16. go to sp. by bus = take a bus to sp. 坐公交车去某地  
go to sp. by train/ plane/ ship/ underground… = take a train/ plane/ ship/ underground… to sp.  
go to sp. by bike = go to sp. on a/the/one’s bike = ride (a bike) to sp.  
go to sp. on foot = walk to sp.  go home on foot = walk home  
  e.g. Lots of us take the underground to school. 我们许多人都乘地铁到学校  
   = Lots of us go to school by underground.  
17. every day, always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never…等时间副词一般用于一般现在时中  
e.g. He always gets up late. 他总是很晚起床。  
  She seldom comes to our reading club. 她很少来我们阅读俱乐部。  
  We have English classes every day. 我们每天都上英语课。  
18. always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never 等频率副词在句中的位置一般在主语之后,如果句中有be动词,则频率副词放在be动词之后,如果没有be动词,则频率副词放在动词之前。  
e.g. I am never late for school. 我上学从来不迟到。  
  Tom often plays basketball after school. Tom放学后经常打篮球。  
19. at the weekend(s) 在周末  = on weekend(s)  
e.g. What will you do at the weekend/ on weekend? 周末你要做什么?  
20. go running/ fishing/ shopping/ dancing/ swimming… 去跑步/钓鱼/购物/跳舞/游泳…  
e.g. I want to go fishing with dad this afternoon. 我今天下午想跟爸爸去钓鱼。  
21. for + 时间  表示一段时间,如果对句中的一段时间提问时,疑问词用how long  
e.g. She practices dancing for 2 hours every Saturday. 她每周六练两小时的跳舞。  
  How long does she practice dancing every Saturday?  
22. watch the game 看比赛 watch sth.是观赏,观看的意思,look at sth.是看某物,就单指看的动作。see sth.是看到,指看到的结果  
e.g. Mom likes watching fashion shows. 妈妈喜欢看时装秀。  
  He’s looking at the sky. But he can’t see anything. 他在看着天空,但是什么都没看到。  
23. favorite … 最喜欢的… = like sth. best  
e.g. My favorite subject is math. 我最喜欢的功课是数学。  
  = I like math best.  
24. sports news 体育新闻 news为不可数名词  
a piece of news 一条新闻  
e.g. I have good news for you. 我有好消息告诉你。  
25. score for… 为……得分  
e.g. He often scores for our team. 他经常为我们组得分。  
26. want to do sth. 想做某事 = would like to do sth. 但would like to更为委婉礼貌  
e.g. I would like to drink some tea. 我想喝点茶。  
  = I want to drink some tea.  
27. borrow sth. from sb.  跟某人借东西  
e.g. I want to borrow your ruler. 我想借你的尺子。  
lend sth. to sb. 借东西给某人  
e.g. He always lends his car to his friends. 他总是把车借给他的朋友。  
28. How do you say that in English? 那个用英语怎么说?  
= What’s that in English?  
29. the answer to the question 问题的答案 answer为名词  
e.g. I don’t know the answer to the question. 我不知道问题的答案。  
answer the question  回答问题 answer为动词  
e.g. I can’t answer the question. 我回答不出这个问题。  
30. dark brown 深棕色  light brown 浅棕色  
e.g. I like dark blue. But Kate likes light blue. 我喜欢深蓝色,可是Kate喜欢浅蓝色。  
31. live in sp. 住在某地  
e.g. She lives in Shanghai. 她住在上海。  
live with sb. 和某人住在一起  
e.g. He still lives with his parents. 他仍然和父母住在一起。  
32. all (三者以上的)全部,都 both (两者)都 all和both在句中的位置:  
e.g. They are all happy. 他们都很高兴。  
  Tom and Peter both like playing computer games. Tom和Peter都喜欢打电脑游戏。  
或放在主语之前,但要注意的是,如果主语是代词,则一定要用all of, both of , 如果主语是名词,则直接用  
e.g. All of them are happy. 他们都很高兴。  
  Both Tom and Peter like playing computer games. Tom和Peter都喜欢打电脑游戏。  
33. know sb. well 熟知某人  
e.g. I know James well. 我很熟悉James.  
34. many of…  ……中的许多  
e.g. Many of us can speak very good English. 我们许多人可以说很好的英语。  
some of…  ……中的一些  
e.g. Some of the students don’t work very hard. 有些同学学习不是很努力。  
类似的还有:one/ two/ three… of…  
one of 后跟复数名词,但整个词组当单数用  
e.g. One of the students comes from America. 学生中有一个人是从美国来的。  
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