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  Movie Questions  
  Schindler’s list was a great movie. But the scenes weren’t a great shock to me, I’ve seen worse. It is worth seeing but probably a little overrated. And it hasn’t got a lot of violence to it and I really can’t figure why children under 13 are not allowed to watch. I mean, “bang” and its over. Not bloody or anything. It is somewhat depressing, but not realistic enough. While they focused on how a small fraction of Jews survived, most of the Jews died. Far too optimistic. That was supposed to be the plot, but still.  
  I didn’t feel shock, since I’ve seen other even more shocking ones. For instance, the rape of Nanking. It was a book with real photographs but it’s far more disturbing. I didn’t really feel anger throughout the whole film as I should have a few years ago. I felt only fear, or perhaps some guilt. I kept myself under control the whole time. I mean, this isn’t some film which touches you that much and that deep. Yes I felt loss of trust in people but not God, since I’m an atheist. Gods…they don’t do anything when they should have. Same case with Iraq.  
  The most striking scene was probably when that little guy had nowhere to hide and jumped into a pool of human waste and found two others already hiding there. I felt grossed out, and shocked at the fact a child at that age had so strong a desire to live. It hurts to see all the others being so unhelpful and selfish. I felt somewhat guilty fore living this peaceful life while others suffered. And I regretted that I took most things that happened to me for granted and complained all this time.  
  What distressed me the most was how Nazis knocked on every door or rather broke in every house and captured those trembling frightened innocents. The most inspiring part was when Schindler announced the war was over. I don’t know a whole deal about his Schindler guy and I’m not sure if he did all this for the sake of the Jews or for the sake of his profits. Both resulted the same, 11,000 Jews were saved and I guess that makes him a good guy after all. I think he wanted to make money out of the Jews at first, but later realized he is providing a heaven for the Jews and got more Jews out of conscience.  
  The Nazis didn’t defend their actions. There’s nothing to defend. Murder is murder, that’s all there are to it. Amon Goeth was a cruel villain. Plain evil. He killed thousands and thousands of Jews. “When ever you see him, you see death.” The Nazis party believed in fascism and kills whoever gets in their way. Scientific research showed evidence of Hitler’s venereal disease, which was first spread in the Jewish community. I guess Hitler wanted revenge. As for Amon Goeth, following Hitler might be some kind of fashion or pride, and probably it feels good to kill, to feel powerful again.  
  Children in this film played an important roll. They weren’t as joyful and energetic as we are today. They acted like young adults, who had to find a hiding place and seek a way to stay alive. The Jewish practically accept the holocaust. I didn’t see anyone stood up and fight nor protest. All they did was hid, feared, stayed there and faced their destiny. No one is completely unselfish. Natural selection proves that. No one can survive if they don’t take care of themselves. One was born to be selfish, we were just taught to act in a civilized way but that animal- like desire never went away. Especially when times like this come, no one is expected to act all nice and helpful to others. Those “Righteous Gentiles” were not righteous at all. They had no reason to consider themselves as heroes. 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦