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          Sad sunset-like!????????  
Germany, people did not forget the achievements of Hitler.  
   After the war, Nazi Germany's Guderian bragged in his memoirs that in Germany under Hitler's dictatorship was a number of outstanding achievements, one of which is "to eradicate the phenomenon of unemployment." In all fairness, if not the war criminals Boast simple.  
    Hitler had just taken office in 1933, the German economy almost come to a halt status, the number of unemployed up to six million, if the four million temporary workers, taking into account the family members of the German population of 66 million, almost half of hunger and poverty in the struggle. 1 February, 1933, that is, the third day Hitler came to power, he made at radio, "reported the German national book," and claimed that the government want to "save the peasants of Germany, to maintain basic supplies and survival! Rescue workers of Germany to the the unemployed to start a large-scale all-out offensive! "through the efforts of the Nazi authorities, to Germany in 1938 only 1.3 percent unemployment rate, while the United States unemployment rate was 1.89 percent, Britain 8.1%, Belgium 8.7%, Netherlands 9.9% . With the Nazi Party's own words, is to create the "economic miracle of the eradication of unemployment."  
     Focus on solving the employment problem at the same time, Nazi Germany also attaches great importance to social welfare policy. Hitler in 1930, said: "Policemen with machine guns and rubber sticks, can not be sustained to maintain a separate rule." This is not only the thought of his mind, his practice. After Hitler came to power promoting the social insurance system, to increase and improve people's social welfare, workers have expanded the system of paid vacation, labor front in the health resort island of Ruegen and other places, the construction of a number of nursing homes and hotels, the construction of "power from fun "cruise ship. Only one year in 1937, Germany, about 10 million people take part in "strength from the joy" of vacation travel, a time-Nazi newspapers, radio and the widely publicized movie "In the past, only the bourgeoisie in order to enjoy the vacation travel, and now Nazi Germany workers have also become possible. " Germany also adopted to improve the activity of labor to beautify the working conditions of workers and the working environment. Summer 1938, Hitler even claimed that in Germany in order to achieve "Every owner of a German staff car." Nazis are not entirely at a game of "political bragging" on economic development, from 1932 to 1937, GNP grew by 102 percent, national income has doubled. Nazi Germany and created a miracle of economic recovery.  
     Has always been shrouded in a shadow of a defeated nation, easily excited in the achievements of the international arena. Even sports, including the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, have become a tool for political propaganda in Germany. Hitler himself as president of the Berlin Olympic Committee General Assembly. He ordered 16 tons with an Olympic giant bronze bell, the construction of a 70 meter bell tower of Hitler, built a capacity of 10 million people in the stadium, built to accommodate an audience of 20,000 swimming pools, and built more luxurious than the Los Angeles Olympic Games the Olympic Village, and widely publicized in Germany, "the prosperity and prosperity." Well in order to open the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Hitler will not only permit a number of German Jews on behalf of the German elite athletes take part in competitions, and even the appointment of Wolfgang菲尔斯特纳尔the Jews responsible for the management of the Olympic Village. 1 August, 1936, held in Berlin, Germany at the 11th Olympic Games opening ceremony, announced the opening of Hitler. At the meeting were flying the Nazi flag, German athletes through the platform, Nazi ceremony, shouting "Long live - Hitler!" German television first broadcast the Olympic Games through the event competition. At that time, Hitler has every reason to say history This is the biggest one on the Olympic Games. At the Olympic Games, Germany was 33 gold, 26 silver, 30 bronze medals, took first in the world.  
    Another Hitler's success in the pre-war through diplomatic bloodless conquest, step by step from a defeated Germany to become a "normal" country. According to June 28, 1919 the Treaty of Versailles, Germany lost a total of 7,325,000 has a population of 73,485 square kilometers of territory, from March 21, 1920, the German defense force reduced to 10 million people, and can only be used for the maintenance of Germany's internal order and the implementation of border police mission. Treaty of Versailles prohibited the implementation of compulsory military service, the Air Force weapons are not allowed to have any. Of course, this is a low status of a defeated nation, rather than on a general sense of a normal country.  
     Hitler came to power in 1933 immediately after the secret rearmament. 1935, Germany implemented the universal conscription army and the formal establishment of the Air Force, and then made large warships and submarines. Damage to the League of Nations Treaty of Versailles Germany acts on only a verbal protest, no one prepared to use force to stop Hitler's arms expansion and war preparations. In 1936, Hitler's troops occupied the "Treaty of Versailles" and "Convention Locarno" clearly defined "demilitarized zone" Rhineland. He claimed that the occupation start "purely symbolic nature", also signed with neighboring countries, a period of twenty-five years of non-aggression treaty. In March 1938, Austria "return" to Germany. Six months later, Hitler has also requested the population of 3.5 million Sudeten German reunification. Hitler said to him This is Europe's "last territorial claim." Guderian said: "The Saar region to recover, and military autonomy in the establishment of the occupation of the Rhine region, Austria merger - these things can be the support of the people throughout Germany, and even some foreign countries have also expressed sympathy for the people. "When the invasion of Poland, Hitler only a short period of several years, which makes the air force in Germany over the United Kingdom, the army over French forces to become Europe's most powerful military country. Germany once again become a European power. This is also a great miracle!  
    As individuals, Hitler was a vegetarian, does not drink, do not smoke. Even Guderian said: "From a personal point of view, his way of life is very high purity, it is worthy of respect of the people." Speech, he has outstanding talent, encouraging people from Hitler's ability to take significant action to determine, He is probably on the entire history of the most skilled orator.  
    Hitler? He may be very offensive to everyone, but in my opinion, he is certain the spirit of respect.  
To the Allies of World War I ended in failure, a defeated Germany was divided. Of course, this is a victorious day of the event; while defeated is the shame of the former empty.  
    Power Break, family death, and the people displaced,各奔东西, go find the fulcrum of a new life. Rejuvenation of the country they will be defeated, was devoid of the. Hitler did not, however, the Break, family death, and it inspired him with the decisive battle in the end the failure of the will and spirit.  
    In 1933, Hitler came to power, in order to erase the shame of the First World War, he tore up the "Versailles," the contract is still a large-scale arms expansion and war preparations and activities. Country for their own interests for the interests of their own nation, he gave up trying to avoid it select a counterattack. At the support of strong will, the Hitler of the win. Recovery of the First World War, Germany's dominant position, Hitler became the German history on the "great man". (But now it has become sinners!)  
I do not agree with, I would like to protest, simply because Hitler was not a sinner, yes, he had launched a world war that really give a lot of people are brought calamity! But I want to ask, ancient to have been so far who is not anti-wrong? Such as:  
    Napoleon massacred Turkish prisoners of war once, once in Cairo, the head of the plaza shed bags; This is not violence? Kublai's massacre of nearly a quarter of the population at that time, they will not be violence? These will be referred to as the theory of your terror tactics? How do the Jews not to corrupt morals, Hitler did not say what other people are profiteers and color stick, if entirely non-existent, how will the German letter you how many smart people than in Germany? There is no Hitler, and the less anti-Semitic吗? How the French do not incompetent generals, if Napoleon on top combined with the ability of how the failure to give you two examples of rare deceiving your own soul? Where Napoleon read any history of a people are not Napoleon's generals can not say how bad! Examples of want to go yourself! Wellington is the master? French generals in terms of the relative it! Napoleon's military can be higher than in Hitler I do not know how many times the direct results of his life Hitler was not as good as two years, is it bad luck? Hitler was not as good as Napoleon, they are not a class of people should not be compared. He is determined to the eradication of yellow, are very extreme, but it should not be put it on our historical point of view, when the reasons for contempt! Caesar to Rome, the eradication of all the "barbarians"; Alexander's eyes, only the Greeks and barbarians, our country was serious at the world and living overseas heaven; you how not to evaluate these? Should we should we should be yellow are others on the indiscriminate killing of一棍At the same time, they should be white on white are great Genghis Khan on a "disaster" did not mention? This is the focus of history you look at it? How do you know historical figures, according to the textbooks and the humanities吗? Who said, "Do not attack on the great moral, like you and me This is clearly meaningless.  
   As for you other aspects of Hitler's accusations, a reflection of you recognize the one-sided against him. I hope you read John. Tolland the "heads of state from the beggars to" or William.夏伊勒of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" theory again "comrades and said," the difference between Hitler and Napoleon: one, Hitler an extreme nationalist and one of the conspirators and their low self-esteem; and Napoleon was a revolutionary freedom-loving nation and a very confident all-round figures. 2, Hitler has the world's most fanatical nationalism and the most excellent generals (Rommel, etc.); Napoleon are owned by the romantic nationalism and the only freely him a Marshal of the people. "Evaluation by the true I have to accept. Some people can not out of ignorance but the half in order to show off their ink with" nose hounds "on other people's comments all low and even contrary to their own opinion. If purely For the next academic criticism happy spirit of acceptance and拜谢, not knowing if their own is also a fallacy, is self-deception, Well, I despise you!  
    Hitler's life is a struggle for people on how the specimen life, put aside its ideology did not say, that kind of him to a pursuit of an ideal, never give up. Leave no stone unturned to exhaust all means to achieve their own ends, even if it is the most obscene, the most despicable means, we must aim for. I adore him, give him my soul into the spirit of solely. Yes let him past me from the abyss of ignorance climb out of the new philosophy, and give him a difficult battle in the end with my determination. I will never let him remain unbeaten top. And thus to recognize the truth of life.  
   Read the above language, I believe, you will understand I may be great politicians, great dictator of admiration, worship, admiration, regret, and pay tribute to! 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦