完美女孩Perfect Girl

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To many young girls, they are affected by the commercial ads, they envy the models whose bodies are so thin, what’s more, the ads tell them only the beautiful face and the thin body can make them look perfect. So the young girls begin to lose weight, they reject to take in more food, in order to look perfect, they will do everything. In my opinion, these young girls go the wrong way, they get the wrong idea about perfectness. A perfect girl is nothing about the outlook, it is the beautiful soul that makes a girl perfect. If a girl only perfect in outlook, but nothing inside, she is just like an empty body. So eat what you want, don’t go the wrong way to pursue perfectness.
对很多女孩子来说,她们受到了商业广告的影响,她们羡慕那些模特,拥有显瘦的身材,而且,广告也灌输女孩们这样的思想,只有漂亮的脸蛋和瘦的身体才能让她们看起来完美。因此年轻的女孩们开始减肥,拒绝多吃东西,为了看起来完美,她们愿意做一切事情。在我看来,这些年轻的女孩们走错了方向,她们对完美的理解是错误的。一个完美的女孩和外表无关,只有美丽的心灵才能让她们完美。如果一个女孩只是外表好看,内心什么都没有,那她也只是一区空壳。所以吃你想吃的吧,不要为了追求完美而走错了路。 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦