北京行程安排Travel Plan for Beijing

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I am going to Beijing. Although I haven’t set out, I have made my travel plan. There are five days for me to travel. But I only have three days to have a good look of Beijing, because the first and the last day I have to spend on the transportation. The first day, I will start early to Guangzhou by bus and then take the plane for 1:00pm. Then I can be Beijing about 4:00pm. Then I will take the subway to my aunt’s home. After a whole night rest, I will go to climb the Great Wall the second day. The third day, I will visit Tian An Men, the Imperial Palace and the Summer Palace. In the evening, I will visit national stadium. The fourth day I will visit some old town in Beijing and eat some local food. The fifth day, I have to go back home. This is my plan.

我就要去北京了。虽然我还没开始出发,但是我已经制定好计划了。我有五天的旅行时间。但是我只能在北京呆三天,因为第一次和最后一天的时间我都要花在交通上。第一天,我会早早地坐车到广州,然后乘坐下午1:00的飞机。大约下午4点我就可以到达北京了。然后我会坐地铁去我姑姑家。经过一个晚上的休息 后,第二天我就会去爬长城。第三天,我会去参观天安门,故宫和颐和园。晚上,我要去参观国家体育场。第四天,我会参观一下北京的老城区,尝尝当地美食。第五天,我就得回家了。这是我的计划。
