北京欢乐谷之旅 The Trip to Beijing Happy Valley

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The wonderful Beijing Happy Valley trip will start from “Fjord Forest ". Here you will see colorful glass air trails, sparkling joy square, stylish park gate, beautiful and innocent joytheater, and green woods. What a perfect combination of fashion and nature!


It is an important traffic hub of the park: buses and private cars all stop here. Enter the park and you can see the transport we offer you---the round mini-train of the 19th century. The long battery car will let you surf the Happy Valley. Fjord Forest will present you romantic springs, silent forest, and fresh ecological experience. Magical architecture, simple color lines, and simple glass metals create certain modern feel. When we go through it, fashion, fresh and magical feeling grow up, and our physical and mental fatigue relax. Let’s forget reality and prepare to throw us into the lively carnival atmosphere.

这里是公园重要的交通集散中心:公交车、大巴车、私家车都将在这里停靠。进入公园,您可以见到我们提供的代步工具,19世纪的环园小火车让您畅游欢乐谷;电瓶车的长龙,把您带进集体旅游的欢乐。来到峡湾森林,泉水的浪漫、森林的幽静,带来清新的生态环境体验;建筑造型的梦幻、色彩线条的简洁、玻璃金属的时尚,创造出明朗的现代感受。我们穿行其中,时尚、清新、梦幻的感觉油然而升,疲惫的身心放松下来,忘掉现实,准备着全身心地投入到一场热烈的狂欢之中去吧! 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦