用正确的方式关爱孩子Care for Children in a Right Way

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Recently, Hunan TV stationplayvarieties show “Dad where we go” and the show has caused great sensation from public. Many netizens think children’s education should starts in a guidance way, and many parents also rethink their way of teaching. Using the right way to take care of children should be an important course for parents.


First, communicate with children, and listen to their thought. Many parents always think children are too little to know nothing .They consider everything from an adult’s perspective which don’t from child's ways, and this will cause children rebel psychology. Therefore, chatting with kids more, knowing their thought more, and change their bad thinking through the dialogue.


Second, do not compel children to study. There is an old saying: Interest is the best teacher. Hoping children has a bright future is the wish of most Chinese parents, therefore, extra-curricular tutorial have become a matter of course to Chinese children. Intimidating child to learn will let them feel tired, even affect their interest in learning.


Finally, allow children to make mistakes. As we know, it’s usual for children to make mistakes. Children make mistakes is equivalent to learning, because they could avoid such errors happen again in the future. And Parents should tolerant such wrong behaviors, but not indulge them. When children make mistakes criticism should be instead by other ways.

最后,允许孩子犯错。我们都知道小孩子都会犯错,孩子犯错其实等同于在学习,是为了未来不再发生类似错误。父母对孩子犯错应抱宽容的态度 ,但不能纵容。在孩子犯错时不能严厉批评而是要用别的方式教育他们。

To sum up, when children grow up, they will meet all kinds of conditions, correct family education is very necessary. Parent need to let children walk on their own, instead of holding their hands at every turn

综上所述,孩子在成长时会遇到各种状况,正确的家庭教育非常必要。父母应该给与孩子更多的空间,放手让他们自己走,同时也要把孩子往正确的道路上引导。 友情提示:请不要抄作文用去交作业。你可以学习、借鉴,期待你写出更好的作文。觉得写的好的可以给个赞哦