社会道德不应“过时” Social Morality Should Not Be Out of Date

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Chinahas long been known as “the land of ceremony and propriety.” Today, however, people often complain that public morals are no longer what they used to be. A family, for example, likes a cell of society, which also mirrors the general mood of a country. As we know, the Chinese have very strong family ties. But with the emergence of a “modern” concept to families, people find that problems like high divorce rate and extramarital affairs become more serious than ever before.


Another example: the name of Lei Feng who was always ready to lend a helping hand to others, used to be known by almost all Chinese as a model to learn from. But today, some people claim that “the spirit of Lei Feng” is outdated. Fashionable ideas say money talks. In the early stage of the market economic development, the appearance of some evil phenomena is not surprising. But we should not sit passively by and let it run rampant. Instead, active measures should be taken to improve morals and ethics of the public.


Personally, the media should play a leading role in this regard. They should spare no effort to praise the good and criticize the evil. They should guide people how to tell the truth, goodness and beauty from the fault, ugliness and evil.

