快乐寒假Happy Winter Vacation

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The Spring Festival is the most important traditional one in China. As an important part of it, fireworks bring us happier atmosphere than usual. This Spring Festival, Dad bought lots of fireworks as last year. On the eve, he lighted them, and then they blossomed like flowers in the sky, with sweet sounds and brilliant light. How beautiful! I was deeply moved, though every Spring Festival I felt it. It brought me the beautiful feelings. At that moment I was buried in the sea of happiness. And also it made me feel more about the prosperity of our homeland.


Meanwhile, I was worried about the fireworks. First, setting off firecrackers made a tremendous noise and caused serious air pollution. Also children's safety faced the crisis of getting burned or injured in the eyes. What's worse, many dustmen's valuable time was wasted for fireworks pieces after being set off dirtied the environment.


So I thought some day we'll have to forbid making and setting off fireworks, though it's a Chinese custom for hundreds of years.

